Tuesday, December 23, 2008

12 Days of Christmas: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

The 10th movie on the list is a film that follows the Griswold family as they entertain their relatives during the Christmas holiday. Today’s movie is Christmas Vacation.
Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase) wants to have the greatest Christmas he’s ever had. He then decides to host all of his relatives in the effort to capture and share the holiday spirit. This only leads to slap stick comedy and also my favorite Vacation movie.
I don’t want to give a lot of the plot away, because if you haven’t seen the movie I want you to watch and see all the funny parts and enjoy them without any idea of what’s going to happen.
Randy Quaid returns to the series bringing back to life his famous Cousin Eddie, he delivers some of my favorite scenes in the movie.
I strongly recommend this holiday film, like all the other movies on this list.

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